Validation of a diagnostic tool for identification of preschoolers and primary pupils with science talent

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PhDr. Kateřina Jančaříková, Ph.D.


The paper focuses on validation of a diagnostic tool for identification of naturalist intelligence and science talent at pre-school and early school level (Jančaříková, 2009). The theoretical part explains the significance of early identification of science talent and introduces briefly Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence and naturalist intelligence as the starting point. The empirical part validates the diagnostic tool on the basis of data from 176 completed questionnaires. The reliability of the test is verified using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient and Spearman-Brown formula. The Pearson correlation test confirms a high interdependence of the questions in the diagnostic tool. The Welch variant of the t-test shows that the results depend on neither gender nor age, which can be interpreted as depending on an innate disposition, i.e. science talent. Thus, the diagnostic tool can be used for early identification of science talent.


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How to Cite
Jančaříková, K. (2019). Validation of a diagnostic tool for identification of preschoolers and primary pupils with science talent. Envigogika, 14(2).
Reviewed Papers
Author Biography

PhDr. Kateřina Jančaříková, Ph.D., Pedagogical Faculty, Charles University in Prague

PhDr. Kateřina Jančaříková, Ph.D.

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, head of the Environmental Education and Learning Centre


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