Lifelong learning for the development of people's knowledge and competences for local sustainable development

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Jana Dlouhá
Zuzana Dvořáková Líšková
Veronika Ježková


The text of this article provides a brief overview of the theoretical foundations of andragogy in the context of lifelong learning that would support actors of sustainable development at the local level – providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to respond to the increasing demands of a rapidly changing world. Lifelong learning programmes based on the outlined principles can be considered within the concepts of place-based learning, social learning and/or transformative learning and take different forms. The authors also discuss strategic documents that concern lifelong learning at European level and within the Czech Republic, and give an example of an innovative foresight-based method.


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How to Cite
Dlouhá, J., Dvořáková Líšková, Z., & Ježková, V. (2021). Lifelong learning for the development of people’s knowledge and competences for local sustainable development. Envigogika, 16(2).
Author Biography

Jana Dlouhá, Charles University

Researcher in Charles University Environment Centre; co-founder of the Enviwiki knowledge base; vice-president of international network of higher education institutions Copernicus Alliance. Concerned with transformative education and educational transformation in the light of sustainable development; interests span from digital media, open education resources, to social learning and participatory approaches in public dialogue.


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